Blog > Justine’s Dimagra Journey Justine’s Dimagra Journey By Alex Watkins 4 min read 11th January One of our patients came to us in early January wanting to start the Dimagra diet to help with her weight-loss goals. She completed the 21-Day program and continued afterwards on the 42-Day maintenance plan. Keep reading to find out about her journey… “I started the Dimagra diet in January due to gaining weight over the past two years during the pandemic and various lockdowns. Over Christmas I had started to really notice a difference in how I felt in myself, my confidence dipped and my clothes were tighter. I decided I needed to make some changes for both my physical and mental health. I set my birthday, at the end of february, as my goal to lose some weight so I would feel confident for my celebrations. I decided that Dimagra would be a great option for me to lose weight in a short period of time, but in a safe and manageable way. I was apprehensive at first as I know a few other people who have been on the Dimagra plan, some had struggled and some hadn’t. Due to your body going into ketosis, some people can find they go light-headed or nauseous so I was unsure and nervous to see how my body would react. I found that days 1-3 were the hardest as my body was adapting to minimal carbs, no sugar and very low calories. Although during the first few days of the plan I had mild tiredness and a lack of energy, I still felt reasonably okay. By day 5 I felt great, my energy levels shot back up, I immediately felt less bloated and my skin started to glow. By the beginning of the second week, people started to comment on how my face looked thinner and my clothes didn’t look tight anymore. I work full-time and have 4 children so my life is extremely busy, but I found cutting out carbs and sugar actually gave me more energy and made me feel better than I had before. It was much easier than I thought to plan what I was going to eat and, surprisingly I didn’t feel hungry or even miss carbs at any point. I planned my meals and prepped food to take to work to ensure I stuck to the plan. I even managed a couple of times to go out for dinner with friends. I would order steak or chicken with mushrooms, broccoli or salad. It was great to still be able to socialise and enjoy an evening out whilst sticking to my plan. Occasionally towards the end of the 21 days I craved sugar, but I had seen such great results both in the mirror and in the way I felt that it kept me motivated to stay on track. My IBS symptoms completely vanished when I started the plan and any form of bloating completely disappeared. In just 21 days I lost over a stone and now feel the most confident I have in years, just in time for my birthday party dress! I have now finished the 21-Day plan and have been on the 42-Day maintenance since. This plan allows you to have a small amount of carbs and more protein. So far I have continued to lose weight and feel great! The Dimagra diet has shown me that I can still enjoy food but in a sensible and healthy way. Once I finish the 42 day maintenance, I plan to continue the healthy habits I have learnt. I will continue to eat fewer refined carbs and sugar, as the benefits of Dimagra have been so huge for me, not just in terms of weight loss, but with the improvement of my IBS and mental clarity too.” Related treatments View Treatment Dimagra® Diet Want to talk? Speak to one of our experts for support on what’s best for you. Enquire now Previous Post Summer Bodies Are Made In Winter Next Post Hollywood's HydraGenesis: Red-Carpet Ready