Blog > Answering your Hyperhidrosis questions… Answering your Hyperhidrosis questions… By Alex Watkins 4 min read 11th January As November is Hyperhidrosis awareness month we’ve decided to answer the top searched questions around Hyperhidrosis, especially for you. We know that 5% of people globally suffer with this medical condition but awareness is limited and information surrounding it is hard to find. So, what exactly is Hyperhidrosis?Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition which causes individuals to sweat excessively due to overactive sweat glands. It affects a huge amount of people around the world and yet there are still limited treatments available for the condition. It has no obvious cause and can affect all areas of the body but most commonly the armpits, palms of hands and soles of feet. How do you know if you have Hyperhidrosis?Normal sweating for people occurs when it is hot, when they’re exercising, when they’re moving alot or sometimes even in stressful/anxious situations. However, people with Hyperhidrosis will sweat no matter the temperature or environment and are unable to regulate or control the sweating. Those with hyperhidrosis will also produce far more sweat than the average person in the usual circumstances which cause sweating. How can it affect people?Excessive sweating does not usually pose any risk to your health but it does dramatically affect people’s quality of life and can often lead to feelings of depression and anxiety. Most people with Hyperhidrosis will feel embarrassed about the amount they sweat, they may avoid social situations in anticipation of sweating in public, they may regularly stain their clothes with sweat and have to change clothes multiple times a day. What are the most common symptoms and signs? Visible sweating: When you are not exerting yourself, do you often see beads of sweat on your skin or have sweat-soaked clothing? Do you sweat when you’re sitting? Sweating interferes with everyday activities: Does sweating cause difficulty holding a pen, walking, or turning a doorknob? Does sweat drip heavily on to your papers or computer? Skin turns soft, white, and peels in certain areas: Does your skin stay wet for long periods? Skin infections: Do you get frequent skin infections on the parts of your body that sweat heavily? Athlete’s foot and jock itch are common skin infections. How can you treat Hyperhidrosis?Many people try lots of different methods in an attempt to treat their condition including armpit shields and a range of antiperspirants however, these treatments don’t stop the sweating at its cause, they are more like applying a plaster over the problem. However, at MediZen we have two treatments which actually reduce or stop sweat production, as they target the sweat glands directly, making them the most effective way to treat hyperhidrosis. These treatments are miraDry and muscle relaxing injections.For areas of the body such as the hands, feet and scalp, we are able to offer injections to help reduce sweating. This works by blocking the nerve signals responsible for sweating, stopping the sweat glands from producing too much sweat. This treatment is usually around 80% effective and can last between 4 and 12 months. For the armpits, we are one of the only clinics in the midlands to offer miraDry, the only permanent, FDA approved treatment to help dramatically reduce underarm sweat by addressing the root cause of the sweat, not the symptoms. miraDry uses thermal energy that targets and eliminates both the sweat and odour glands in your underarms. Once those glands are eliminated, they do not grow back. It is non-surgical, pain-free, permanent and immediate, so you can live your life sweat free after one simple appointment! Treatment results in an average 82% reduction of underarm sweat. Related treatments View Treatment miraDry View Treatment Anti-Wrinkle Injections Want to talk? Speak to one of our experts for support on what’s best for you. Enquire now Previous Post Hollywood's HydraGenesis: Red-Carpet Ready Next Post Our 6 simple winter skincare tips for glowing and hydrated skin